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无锡蠡湖生态设计节 W’eco DESIGN FESTIVAL

| 6 May 2024  



生态文明建设是关系中华民族永续发展的根本大计,是 中国落实 2030 年可持续发展议程的重要任务目标。2023 年 7 月 17 日 至 18 日,习近平总书记在全国生态环境保 护大会上强调,今后 5 年是美丽中国建设的重要时期,要 深入贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义生态文明思想,把 建设美丽中国摆在强国建设、民族复兴的突出位置,以高品 质生态环境支撑高质量发展,加快推进人与自然和谐共生的 现代化。


生态设计以“环境保护”作为设计出发点,强调人与环 境、社会和谐共生,涵盖了规划、建筑、景观、商业、旅游、 文化等 多个层次的课题;随着对环境保护和可持续发展的 需求不断提高,生态设计备受全球创意设计领域关注,正在 不断成为城市、产业 的核心竞争力和重要发展方向。 在“可持续发展”“生态无锡”“长三角一体化”等时代 命题背景下,依托蠡湖未来城的发展,无锡文旅集团、无锡 市蠡湖未来城联合北京科意、设计之春、中欧可持续发展传 播中心等机构,打造“无锡蠡湖生态设计节”。无锡蠡湖生 态设计节致力于将生态优先、绿色发展的理念融入城市发展,助力无锡构建健康、绿色、生态的韧性城市。无锡蠡湖生态 设计节将通过打造中国与“生态设计”相关的专业盛会、国内知名倡导“生态设计”的第二课堂为目标,助力无锡蠡湖 未来城的高质量发展、区域经济的协调发展,助力为新发展 理念主动对接联合国 2030 可持续发展议程目标提供中国 案例。


主办单位:无锡市文化旅游发展集团有限公司、无锡蠡 湖未来城 承办、协办单位:北京科意、真实影像传媒、设计之春、中欧可持续发展传播中心、WDW 世界设计周城市网络、新兴国家传媒论坛、江南大学设计学院

指导及支持单位:国际生态经济协会、无锡市统战部、无锡市生态环境局、无锡市水利局、无锡城市发展研究中心、中国生物多样性保护与绿色发展基金会、《生物多样性保护与绿色发展》杂志社、Slow Food 国际慢食协会、世青创新中心、上海市工业设计协会、上海市创意设计工作者协会、华东理工大学艺术设计与传媒学院


建筑发起人:张永和(非常建筑创始人)、俞挺(Wutopia Lab 创始人)


(一)时间:2024 年 5 月 17-19 日




无锡蠡湖生态设计节将由艺术装置、设计展览、沙龙对 话、市集活动、设计工作坊、纪录片点映、戏剧演出、设计 案例推优、设计生态之旅等系列活动构成,依托无锡深厚的人文禀赋、蠡湖未来城的高生态发展站位,应用包括长三角在内的中国设计、艺术及生态产业资源,以生态设计为抓手,期待与全球城市形成共识,形成文明互鉴,贡献更多的新发展理念和成果,主动对接联合国 2030 可持续发展议程目标,向世界分享中国案例和思考。本届蠡湖生态设计节已于 4 月 15 日在米兰设计周成功 举办新闻发布会。活动中,无锡文旅集团总裁邱亚君与伙伴 城市代表——意大利众议员前任欧盟委员会副主席、国会议 员马丽娜·贝林格丽(Marina Berlinghieri)共同启动了 “无锡蠡湖生态设计节”。意大利布雷西亚将作为伙伴城市亮相,并邀请伊特蒙索拉岛与无锡蠡湖渤公岛缔结成为“姐 妹岛”,以水为媒共话自然生态。本届无锡蠡湖生态设计节以“未来在水”为年度主题,这是全球范围内首次以生态设计为核心的国际性交流活动,也是国内首次以水为主题,以生态为核心的设计活动,汇聚 了来自全球的设计师、学者和艺术家,共同探讨全球可持续 发展,城市与生态设计,生活与生态设计,产业、科技与能 源发展与生态设计,水资源开发与保护,气候变化与双碳、国际交流与合作等生态设计相关议题,以设计来回应城市可 持续发展中紧迫问题,让更多的人认识到生态设计的重要性,参与到城市可持续发展的实践中。站在人与自然和谐共生的高度谋划发展,是当今设计界 所遵循的文化自觉。与国际共鸣,与城市共振,无锡蠡湖曾 以其淡水河湖有效治理案例,在国际浅水湖泊大会上,继瑞 士苏黎世湖、日本琵琶湖、英国泰晤士河之后,被专家评论 为有望成为国际淡水河湖治理一个新的经典。同时,此次活 动还会涉及加速能源转型、前沿清洁科技、生成式人工智能 与突破创新生态瓶颈、与材料的新型关系、蓝色产业、气候 变化与极端天气应对、使生态企业家主流化、劳动力背后的 动力生态转型、地区性自然与经济平衡等诸多话题。无锡蠡湖生态设计节从米兰发出盛情邀请,与意大利开 展国际合作,让世界看到以无锡为代表的中国生态产业,期待与关注生态设计领域的专业人士、媒体和公众开展更多国 际化的发声与合作,共同面见可持续的未来。 无锡蠡湖生态设计节组委会 2024 年 4 月W’eco DESIGN FESTIVAL

Project introduction

The construction of ecological civilization is a fundamental task related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation and an important task and goal for China to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. On July 17-18, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the National Conference on Ecological and Environmental Protection that the next five years are an important period for the construction of a beautiful China. It is necessary to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era of ecological civilization, prioritize the construction of a beautiful China, and support high-quality development with a high-quality ecological environment, accelerate the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

Project Positioning

Ecological design takes “environmental protection” as its starting point, emphasizes the harmonious coexistence of people, environment, and society, and covers topics at multiple levels including planning, architecture, landscape, commerce, tourism, and culture. With the increasing demand for environmental protection and sustainable development, ecological design has received widespread attention in the global creative design field and is becoming the core competitiveness and important development direction of cities and industries.

Against the background of “sustainable development,” “ecological Wuxi,” and “integration of the Yangtze River Delta,” relying on the development of Lihu Future Town, Wuxi Cultural&Tourism Development Group, Wuxi Lihu Future Town, jointly with Beijing KEYI, Design Spring, the China-European Center for Sustainable Development Communication, and other institutions, are creating the “W’eco Design Festival.” The festival is committed to integrating the concept of ecological priority and green development into urban development, helping Wuxi build a healthy, green, and resilient city.

The W’eco Design Festival aims to promote the high-quality development of Wuxi Lihu Future Town, the coordinated development of regional economy, and provide Chinese cases for actively aligning with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals by creating a professional event related to China and “ecological design” and a domestic renowned advocate

for “ecological design”.Organizational Structure


Wuxi Cultural&Tourism Development Group

Wuxi Lihu Future Town


Beijing KEYi

Real Image Media

Design Spring

the Chinese-European Center for Sustainable Development Communication

World Design Weeks

The New Emerging Countries Media Forum

The School of Design at Jiangnan University

Guide units and supporting organization:

International Ecological Economy Promotion Association

The United Front Department of Wuxi

Wuxi Ecology and Environment Bureau

Wuxi Water Conservancy Bureau

Wuxi Urban Development Research Center

China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation

BioGreen – Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development

Slow Food

The Youthink Center

Shanghai Industrial Design Association

Shanghai Designers Association

The school of Art Design and Media at East China University of Science and Technology

Chief Planner

Hou Zhengguang(Deputy Director of the Design Committee,China Furniture Association)

Xu Yun(Artist)

Sun Qun(International Executive Committee, World Design Week(WDW) Network)


Qiu Jiaqiu ( Principal of the Chinese-European Center for Sustainable Development

Communication,Founder of Real Image Media)

Architectural Initiator

Yung Ho Chang(Founder of Atelier FCJZ)

Yu Ting(Founder of Wutopia Lab)

Art Initiator:Shi Hantao(Art Curator)Basic Information

Date: May 17-19, 2024

Venue: Lihu Lake, Wuxi (Bogong Island)

Theme: Water preserved, future served.

Content planning and sections

Recently unveiled after a year of renovation, the “Bogong Island Enhancement Plan” was awarded the “Ecological Landscape Organic Renewal Case of the Year” by 2024 MILANO DESIGN

WEEK CHINA & DESIGN. The Bogong Island area of Lihu Future Town boasts Wuxi’s most advantageous landscape resources. The enhancement plan integrates the concept of a characteristic sponge city system, focuses on “urban prosperity, water clarity, and beautiful shores” , incorporating new functions into the modern ecological base.

During the MILANO DESIGN WEEK CHINA & DESIGN, the W’eco DESIGN FESTIVAL extended an invitation to the Italian city of Brescia to become a partner city, and invited Monte Isola and Bogong Island to become a “sister islands,” using water as a medium to discuss natural ecology together. Marina Berlingjieri, former Vice Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on EU Policies, expressed delight at the opportunity presented by the W ’ eco DESIGN FESTIVIAL to foster cooperation between Monte Isola, the largest island in Lake Iseo in northern Italy, and Bogong Island, the largest artificial island in Wuxi, China. She looks forward to deepening collaboration between the two islands, aiming to attract more international partnerships and industrial investments.

W’eco DESIGN FESTIVAL empowers ecological construction through eco-culture, eco-economy, and eco-industry development on the basis of modernized eco-city form of Lihu Future Town. By launching during the MILANO DESIGN WEEK CHINA & DESIGN and engaging in international cooperation with Italy, the festival aims to show China’s ecological industry, represented by Wuxi, to the world, anticipating more international voices and collaborations.

At 2024 MILANO DESIGN WEEK CHINA & DESIGN, the official announcement of the first W’eco DESIGN FESTIVAL was released, which is scheduled to be held on May 17-19 on Bogong Island in Wuxi. Themed “WATER PRESERVED, FUTURE SERVED,” this event focuses on eco-design and industry, city, and daily life, demonstrating the globalization of regional industries and presenting the world about China’s eco-design development and eco-innovation practice achievements. And the festival marks the first of its kind in China, centered around the themes of water and ecology. Anticipating the gathering of designers, scholars, and artists from around the globe, the festival aims to collectively explore how design can address urgent issues in urban sustainable development. Through this platform, it seeks to raise awareness about the importance ofecological design and encourage more individuals to engage in the practice of urban sustainable development. W’eco DESIGN FESTIVAL will start from the MILANO DESIGN WEEK CHINA & DESIGN and align with international design forces, engaging in international cooperation in cultural tourism, ecology, design, and other fields to explore the new trend of future sustainable urban development with the cutting-edge concept of urban eco-sustainability.

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